Menopause, Bio Identical Hormones, Sexual Health, Lack of Libido, Erection Problems, Gender Issues, Prostate Cancer, Psychiatry, Cancer

The service comprises assessment with appropriate investigation, medication, and if required referral elsewhere.  Some of the main services and what we offer includes: 

Erectile dysfunction - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward.  Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention.  For a full discussion of our approach see our guide ‘a Holistic Approach to Managing Erection Problems’.

Loss of Libido - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, such as hormone replacement, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention.  For a further discussion from Dr Perring see the Sexual Health PowerPoint Presentations.

Premature ejaculation - an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention.  See Psychosexual Services  and our News section for more information.

Male Menopause -  an initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward. Options for moving forward may include where appropriate suitable medication, such as hormone replacement therapy, key suggestions about how to improve lifestyle including diet and nutrition and in some situations may include psychological intervention.  For a further discussion from Dr Perring see the Sexual Health PowerPoint Presentations.

Gender Issues.  Where appropriate we will explore gender issues, preferences of sexual choice and sex addiction. The service comprises assessment with appropriate investigation, medication, and if required referral elsewhere.   An initial meeting will allow us to assess the best route forward.

Maintaining Sexual Function in Later Life

Presented by Mike Perring at the 2009 British Longevity Society, London download>

Testosterone’s Effects on Anxiety: Androgens and Mood

Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 EMAA Conference download>

Patients with Sexual Problems treated with Hormonal Treatments

Presented by Mike Perring and the 2007 AAMS Seminar, Paris . download>

Food and Sex: Plants Hormones and Herbs

Further information
- Selected publications and conferences

Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 Food and Health Forum, The Royal Society of Medicine, London  download>

Presented by Mike Perring and Marlene Wasserman at the 2007 SA5M Conference, Capetown  download>

Talking with Men about Sex

Men’s sexual health
- How can we help you?